Advocacy and Policy

Overview & Priorities

Champion affordable housing and community development programs that strengthen and revitalize our nation's communities, NNA is committed to ensuring that federal legislators and decision makers recognize the needs of our nation's neighborhoods. NNA is also committed to making sure that federal legislation and policies promote housing and community development programs that are undertaken by local, non-profit community organizations.

Advocate for appropriations funding that allows our members, and the affordable housing industry, to address the needs for affordable housing, correct the inequities in homeownership and promote comprehensive community development.  Focusing on bipartisan support for the NeighorWorks America’s (Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation) appropriation due to the flexibility and quick deployment of funding creates the base for leveraging additional public and private funding. 

Enact, support and communicate policy change that creates opportunities for low to moderate income people across our nation.  This includes the Community Reinvestment Act, the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act, and the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act.

Educate and demonstrate to our members, and others, the importance of advocacy and engagement of federal, state and local representatives in addressing the issues of affordable housing and community development.

Join forces with our national colleagues to efficiently and effectively advocate for funding and policy priorities for our members and the affordable housing industry.